Archive for March 2012

Week 11-12

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Last week Sarah's Mum and brother came to stay. We thought we'd show some of their photos of all the things we did and saw!

Saturday was St Patrick's Day. There was a huge parade and all of 5th Avenue was bursting with people all dressed in green. (Tom has a whole bunch of shots from the parade that we'll put in another post soon!)

Of course we went to Bloomingdales (Sarah's favourite place, she goes about twice a week!)

And to Columbus Circle on Sunday where we went to Tom's favourite place for brunch (with bottomless cocktails!)

Times Square for a Broadway show- we all went to see Sister Act and highly recommend it, it was so much fun!

Madison Square Garden. Unfortunately Matthew couldn't get basketball tickets this time because of the Knick's 'Linsanity'!

Macy's nearby.. unfortunately they were too early for the Macy's flower show (which is actually this week, we'll take some photos for you if we stop by!)

Brooklyn Bridge taken from Southstreet Seaport...

We had to stop by the flatiron district for more delicious cupcakes! Unfortunately Tom missed out on this one being at work.

The city is pretty much in bloom now!

On towards Rockefeller Centre, where the ice skating rink is still up!

Top of the Rock...

The Natural History Museum!

Finally,central park before the flight back to the UK!

We have some more photos from our trip to Liberty and Ellis Island, but we'll save those for another time! xx

Week 9

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This weekend we had another visitor!

Of course, we had to take David for a big NYC-style deli breakfast...

On the Sunday we took a trip downtown via Wall Street...

And then took a ride on the Staten Island ferry to see the views...

..and the Statue of Liberty, which neither of us had seen since we arrived here in January!

Afterwards we went to the nearby South Street Seaport to get more views of Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges.

Until the next visitors! xxx

Week 8

Friday, March 9, 2012

On Saturday we took a trip to Chelsea Market, which is pretty amazing, particularly if you love food...

There are so many incredible places it's difficult to choose! It took us ages to decide what to have for lunch. We settled on sandwiches, although Sarah's wasn't this big!

Later that afternoon we stopped off for a break from the cold with coffee and cheesecake...

That evening we went to see another 'Off-Broadway' show near Rockefeller...

Unfortunately it was a bit like a high school play, but mildly amusing in parts. We'd seen a lot better at Bristol University!

On Sunday we took the subway back to the MeatPacking District to go on the HighLine, although as it was such a nice day it was super busy and we didn't get to take very many pictures! Maybe next time!

We were both looking tired at the end of a busy weekend...