Week 8

Friday, March 9, 2012

On Saturday we took a trip to Chelsea Market, which is pretty amazing, particularly if you love food...

There are so many incredible places it's difficult to choose! It took us ages to decide what to have for lunch. We settled on sandwiches, although Sarah's wasn't this big!

Later that afternoon we stopped off for a break from the cold with coffee and cheesecake...

That evening we went to see another 'Off-Broadway' show near Rockefeller...

Unfortunately it was a bit like a high school play, but mildly amusing in parts. We'd seen a lot better at Bristol University!

On Sunday we took the subway back to the MeatPacking District to go on the HighLine, although as it was such a nice day it was super busy and we didn't get to take very many pictures! Maybe next time!

We were both looking tired at the end of a busy weekend...

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