halloween- october 2012

Monday, July 21, 2014

Halloween 2012 fell at the exact same time as Hurricane Sandy (here they named it 'Frankenstorm'). Fortunately, we had made plans to celebrate the weekend before, so when these photos were taken we had absolutely no idea what was heading our way!

Halloween is a much bigger deal here in the US than it ever was back home, everyone decorates their homes, their offices, and wears fancy dress. There is always a massive parade downtown too (cancelled in 2012 obviously). For our first Halloween in the states, we made a go of making costumes- just using clothes we already owned and things we had around the apartment! Although as you can see, our friends made even more of an effort!

In the days after, whilst stranded at home during the storm we added the finishing touches to our pumpkins! Painting is a lot easier than carving!!

One Response to “halloween- october 2012”

  1. Then did you go out for drinking into the bars plenty of Holloween's decoration? In any cases, your pictures make us live a full calender of NY lives. Many thanks! (I loved apple's pictures also)
