Our first few days in NYC...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Departure from Heathrow T5, bright and early on Jan 3rd 2012!

Breakfast at the departure lounge, looking exhausted before it all even began :-)

Welcome home!

Ever so slightly impressed...

We have a killer view...! And a make-shift bed for the night, partly using blankets we took from the plane, thanks BA!

First meal on Day 2, no pans!! But we did manage to pick up some cutlery, 2 plates and a kettle!

Day 3 and we have light!

And a bed... but no covers...

The subway is right outside our building, here's the view...

We love Eataly by the FlatIron Building!!

Choosing kitchen utensils isn't easy!

Day 3 and we're still eating on the floor...

We love our roof, even if it is a bit windy!

So far... so good! ;-)

2 Responses to “Our first few days in NYC...”

  1. With Time difference, I am the first to sign in!
    Superb, the view from your appartment.
    Looking forward to reading the folloing stories...Yumi

    Is it real or Photoshop ? Patrick

  2. Oh man. What a place you're living in.

    (And love the photo of you two eating on the floor...)
