Week 5

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cheers everyone!!

Sorry for the lack of updates.. the past couple of weeks have been pretty busy! So, we managed to get the TV stand and bookcase assembled...

It was a big job...

But turned out really well in the end! A flying success some might say...!

Whilst in a store downtown we came across this book...

And guess who was inside it!!! (I suppose only Bristol people will get this). Jeff is a Big Issue guy, kind of a local celebrity in Clifton. But now, apparently worldwide!

Washington Square park is such a great place for people watching. This guy was doing sand art, good job it wasn't windy that day!

And this guy managed to get a grand piano into the park... only in NYC!

This whole street in the village is dedicated to Chess.

For all the math geeks...

There is lots of vintage shopping in the village

And cool cafe's. Cafe Reggio is another great place for coffee..

This memorial is so poignant, it takes up a whole block in Greenwich village. School children made tiles for America after 9/11.

There's also lots of street art, this eye was a little creepy!

On weekends, there are a lot of street markets. The one in Union Square is amazing!

We seem to be accumulating bottles of wine and glasses. A wine rack is next on our household shopping list! 

The apartment is starting to feel like home now...

Although ice cream is still the only thing in our freezer!!

One Response to “Week 5”

  1. I like, of course, the picture of a "flying success man" and also very much Sarah's fasion + NY different faces!
