Archive for July 2014

roosevelt island- november 2012

Monday, July 28, 2014

These were taken almost 2 years ago, just steps away from our apartment, however, they really could have been taken yesterday, not much has changed in the landscape since!

Our time living on Roosevelt Island is soon coming to an end! Who knows where we will end up living next- Manhattan, Brooklyn...? Fingers crossed for a good view- although I doubt we will be able to top these!

halloween- october 2012

Monday, July 21, 2014

Halloween 2012 fell at the exact same time as Hurricane Sandy (here they named it 'Frankenstorm'). Fortunately, we had made plans to celebrate the weekend before, so when these photos were taken we had absolutely no idea what was heading our way!

Halloween is a much bigger deal here in the US than it ever was back home, everyone decorates their homes, their offices, and wears fancy dress. There is always a massive parade downtown too (cancelled in 2012 obviously). For our first Halloween in the states, we made a go of making costumes- just using clothes we already owned and things we had around the apartment! Although as you can see, our friends made even more of an effort!

In the days after, whilst stranded at home during the storm we added the finishing touches to our pumpkins! Painting is a lot easier than carving!!

apple picking upstate- october 2012

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another escape from the city! As soon as 'Fall' arrives it's time for apple picking so we headed upstate on the train to a big orchard to see if we could have any luck. Once we arrived, we were told that most of the apples had been picked already in the 2 weeks before (since this was our first time we didn't know the exact right dates to go and probably left it a little bit late!). They said we were free to go and have a look anyway, so we took the challenge! Fortunately for us most people left, disheartened by the lack of apples, so the orchard was quiet and free for us to scour as much as possible. We found loads! Most of them were very high up in the trees so we had to climb up or use the poles which made it a lot more fun. The whole scenery was incredible too with all the leaves turning red. We even picked up a few pumpkins in advent of Halloween and took our apple haul home for many mini pies! Success!

Boston- september 2012

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Can you tell September 2012 was a busy one?!! I'm going to start by apologizing for the excessive amount of photos in this post. Since it was our first time in Boston, we went a little crazy with the photo taking (and I can't believe that this was all in 1 day!)

We loved all the red brick houses! Many parts of Boston have a village feel to them. We started out with Brunch on Newbury Street...

Followed by a trip into town...

And then to a nearby park. We lucked out with the weather again!

Later we headed towards the river to relax and watch the sailboats...

Just across the bridge is MIT...

We even managed to head out to Harvard too! Such a pretty campus.

Thanks guys, we loved Boston!