apple picking upstate- october 2012

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another escape from the city! As soon as 'Fall' arrives it's time for apple picking so we headed upstate on the train to a big orchard to see if we could have any luck. Once we arrived, we were told that most of the apples had been picked already in the 2 weeks before (since this was our first time we didn't know the exact right dates to go and probably left it a little bit late!). They said we were free to go and have a look anyway, so we took the challenge! Fortunately for us most people left, disheartened by the lack of apples, so the orchard was quiet and free for us to scour as much as possible. We found loads! Most of them were very high up in the trees so we had to climb up or use the poles which made it a lot more fun. The whole scenery was incredible too with all the leaves turning red. We even picked up a few pumpkins in advent of Halloween and took our apple haul home for many mini pies! Success!

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