Archive for June 2014

the US open- september 2012

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I wouldn't say that either of us are huge tennis fans (Tom certainly more than me since he had to explain the scoring to me on the way), but going to the US Open was something we both really wanted to do. We saw the quarter finals, one mens and one women's (singles games). I know we saw Sharapova and some American dude- but it was 2 years ago and we've forgotten!

We arrived very early so we had chance to explore the whole arena. They have several courts with many games playing at once, and lots of big screens to watch from outside.

We got really into our games, so much so that we actually didn't take any pictures during them! It must have been good!

The view from the top of the stadium was incredible. These shots of the Manhattan skyline in the distance that Tom took as the sun went down are still both of our all-time favorites.

color run- august 2012

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Color Run has been one of our most memorable events since we arrived in New York. We were up bright and early to head out to the middle of nowhere in Brooklyn for the event. Basically, its a 5K run, where after each kilometer you are covered in a different colored powder. 

Here we are before..

The first km...

The second and third km...

The finale...

Love this before and after...

At the end there's a big party with lots of color explosion! It was so much fun, and I only wish I could have taken a better camera than an iPhone to capture everything (but even the iPhone came home bright blue so probably a good idea not to take one!). We certainly got some funny looks on the subway home- and this stuff was really hard to scrub off. I had a pink streak in my hair for about a week! Totally worth it!

independence day- july 2012

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Independence Day obviously creates a buzz here in the states. It's also one of those rare times when the city is pretty much deserted, especially during the day. And it's hot here in July. REALLY hot. Since we were new to the holiday in 2012, we spent the day relaxing and enjoying a day off work in the sun, and then celebrated with friends on our roof, hoping to catch some fireworks. Unfortunately, we are based on the East River, on the fireworks are on the Hudson, so we didn't have much luck there, but it was such a fun and memorable evening anyway- and a great way to celebrate our first July 4th in the US.

We've recently heard that in 2014 the fireworks display is going to be held on our side! We're going to be reserving our spot on the roof bright and early this time- something tells us it's going to be a lot busier this year!

back to bristol! our graduation- july 2012

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wow, graduation seems like so long ago, but yet it still doesn't feel like we are "Drs"! Luckily, both our graduations fell at the same time (different days), so we took the trip back home to celebrate!

My graduation happened to fall on the windiest day ever, the oversized gown had to be pinned shut, and we all look a little bit windswept to say the least! Side note-- Bristol graduates don't even get hats (not impressed!)

Tom fared a little better with the weather! And the BCCS group had an additional garden party! Look at all those Docs! :-)

Of course, afterwards we celebrated in the best way possible- with food!!

Thanks to everyone who came along to celebrate with us! We are sorry it took so long to send out some photos...!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Well, it's been almost 2 years and the blog is feeling a little neglected! We're sorry that we haven't been able to keep up to date with everything that's been going on as much as we'd have liked. Life in NYC is still as great as ever- and we have lots photos to show it! Right now we are sorting through all the pictures from the past couple of years, and getting ready to post them on here in the right order as soon as possible...Next up, our 2012 graduations!

In the meantime, here are a couple of snaps we took from our roof last night after a thunderstorm. Summer is right around the corner and after the winter we just had, it's much needed!

--Sarah and Tom--