color run- august 2012

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Color Run has been one of our most memorable events since we arrived in New York. We were up bright and early to head out to the middle of nowhere in Brooklyn for the event. Basically, its a 5K run, where after each kilometer you are covered in a different colored powder. 

Here we are before..

The first km...

The second and third km...

The finale...

Love this before and after...

At the end there's a big party with lots of color explosion! It was so much fun, and I only wish I could have taken a better camera than an iPhone to capture everything (but even the iPhone came home bright blue so probably a good idea not to take one!). We certainly got some funny looks on the subway home- and this stuff was really hard to scrub off. I had a pink streak in my hair for about a week! Totally worth it!

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