back to bristol! our graduation- july 2012

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wow, graduation seems like so long ago, but yet it still doesn't feel like we are "Drs"! Luckily, both our graduations fell at the same time (different days), so we took the trip back home to celebrate!

My graduation happened to fall on the windiest day ever, the oversized gown had to be pinned shut, and we all look a little bit windswept to say the least! Side note-- Bristol graduates don't even get hats (not impressed!)

Tom fared a little better with the weather! And the BCCS group had an additional garden party! Look at all those Docs! :-)

Of course, afterwards we celebrated in the best way possible- with food!!

Thanks to everyone who came along to celebrate with us! We are sorry it took so long to send out some photos...!

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